Friday, November 21, 2008

Arctic Circle

Later on that same trip to Utah, I went to this joint called Arctic Circle. I figured it was Eskimo food. Man I tell ya, you haven't lived until you've eaten sauteed polar bear meat.

Again, I was fooled. I'm getting really tired of this shit. Its just a burger house. They have this fry sauce though. Its just mayo and ketchup, but jesus tapdancing christ it is good. For the guys out there, the bloke at the counter told me its perfect lube for masturbation. Keep it in mine.

I don't know what the fuck I went to Utah for. I must have been high on balloons when I booked the trip. It was sweet though. That place is overrun with white people. You really feel at home and don't have to fear being raped by minorities on the street.

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